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History Involving Archery

What Are Some Facts That Are Hiding Behind  History?

    This picture represents a pharaoh          is using a bow and arrow. 

A plethora amount of important events happened during the 15th century.To illustrate, archery became an official sport in the Ottoman Empire, or known as present-day Turkey. Additionally, a popular childhood tale, whether it is your favorite or not, started to grow popular during the 15th Century. Yup, you guessed it. It is Robin Hood!

This woman above is a professional archer from Belgium

One Of The Most Important Century-The 15th Century

1200 B.C -The Hittites & Assyrians

Like most countries and nations that used bow and arrows, the Hittites and Assyrians used theirs while riding their chariots. A chariot is a carriage that has two horses in front. The Hittities and Assyrians made their bows from materials such as wood and redesigned the shape so it could be more strong and powerful while using it against enemies and during battles.

Hubert Van Innis

The Assyrians are indigenous to modern northern Iraq, southeast Turkey, northwest Iran and northeast Syria. 

Africa-First to Invent Bow and Arrows

Even though Africa is known as a poor country, it was a country where it invented plenty of things that we use every day. For example, archery. Archery was invented around 10,000BC. Specifically, archery was originated in Egypt.  

At Last-Archery Is An Official Sport

In the beginning, a variety of countries didn't consider archery as a sport. During the 1900s, they finally accepted archery as a sport and added it to the Olympic Games! Hubert Van Innis from Belgium was placed first at the first Olympic games for archery.

The Hittites were an ancient group of Indo-Europeans who moved into Asian Minor and formed an empire at Hattusa in Anatolia (modern Turkey) around 1600 BCE.

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